Wednesday, July 30, 2014


That is what we have so lil of in this Godforsaken world-faith.
People don't trust each other anymore.
They don't trust the system; they trust anything that's around them.
Maybe that's one of the reason why we have some many problems-deaths, shootouts, killings, murders for trivial reasons, infidelity.

Why don't we have to live in such a wicked world?
Full of hate and faithless, naysayers?
Nasty bunch!

People oughta trust each other.
That way, people will stop hatin' on each other and start lovin'
Even if they don't love, they could at least, show respect towards each other.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Open Letter to Kevin Costner (Re: Waterworld)

Re: Waterworld

This movie, which I saw recently, is terrrrrrrrfic, but.....  the major male characters condone abusive behavior towards the woman and child of the movie. This is wrong, oh-so-wrong!
Male viewers will see it and will think it's okay to beat on women and children. It isn't okay at any time. even it is not okay to portray in the movies or to have it occur in real-time. In the movie, the male characters beat the woman and the child around like they were rag dolls.
Also, thanks, a lot, Kevin Costner, it's all yer fault we are in a drought, wasting all that water! It might've cost a heckuva lot to make that movie and all that hype but what it got to show for-nothing! but wasted water.
Although imo, it wasn't a gr8 movie, why wasn't it a box-office smash?!
Still, it makes a gr8 pirate, kiddie movie

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Timid Females

I hate weak females.
Females need guys protection. Bwah!
Whining, helpless, 'woe me, woe me, I need a big, strong man to protect me.'
Gawd, why can't you protect yourself?! Stop being such a damsel-in-distress! It is the 21st century, after all! Females aren't supposed to weak, fragile creatures; it just a dumb stereotype. Females and their dumb feminine wiles. Gawd, how unbelievable! Flutter their eyelashes and men'll fall at their feet. Lame.
Females should be able to stand on their own two feet and protect themselves, not lead on some man for protection. Men aren't always that reliable, dependable.
Females could be big and strong too. They could also protect themselves at all costs without leaning on some man for protection. Women aren't all that weak-willed; they can be tough and strong when the situation calls for it. After all, how were they able to have babies and such. Some female die giving birth in the olden days before they had all those painkillers were invented. Men can't do that, hah!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Your inner child

Adults, don't grow up too quickly!!!! 
You may think you're all grown-up with your dress-up clothes and your world-weary attitude, but
Sometimes, aren't you sick & tired of acting like an adult and just wanna break out of your shell?
Like you wanna go back when you were a wee tyke w/ no worries whatsoever, only your parents doing the worrying for ya (parents, out there you know how it's feel to be a parent and feel bad for your parents when you were but a child).
Being carefree, using your imagination, going on adventures right in your very own backyard!
Life was and could still be grand, if you only let out your inner child once every while.
Forget about deadlines, rules!
Life is passing y'all by, so grab ahold of it while you can!

Cupid (Eros) Reincarnate

I am Cupid reincarnate.
I am a lover, not a fighter.
I love love.
I hate haters.
I don't like to conform; I am a nonconformist.
I don't like wars; I prefer peace.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Hope 4 the Future

I hope for the future
For a better tomorrow
For a brighter future with more reason to wake up.
Even if the day's cloudy or depressing, you're mood doesn't have to match the weather.
The world is filled withe innumerable possibilities.
You just have to reach for your highest potential,
I know it's out there somewhere.
Even if things are hopeless, there's still hope in this Godforsaken world.
Love and hope know no bounds!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Everybody's Demons

Secretly, each and every one of us has demon within demon within demon within us all.
Life is a travesty, a catastrophe for some of us.
It won't change the way society perceive us as individuals, for we all have different abilities to share with the wide world.
Everyone of us is different and unique; that's what makes us individuals, not robots, following rules; we have our own thoughts, our own ideas and opinions.
People say love is the answer; it isn't always. Love may sometimes, not always be tainted with hatred, loathing.
On a lighter note, people have faith that love can triumph over all evil. That is truth in many ways. Love can triumph over evil, only thing is vices get in the way. Terrible, horrible vices.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Liberate Yourself!

Bill of Rights is mess-up, imo
1) Freedom of religion, speech, press, assemble peaceably.
Jews were ostracized when Hitler was around; now Muslims are ostracized when Taliban is around. Everything nowadays scream Terrorists Alert!!!
As for speech, why do they have PARENTS ADVISORY EXPLICIT CONTENT  or any kind of censorship. Lame.
Press-there's a limit to freedom of press. You got your real hard news, which includes breaking news, and you got your run-of-the-mill yellow journalism, which includes paparazzi, who's dating whom. If you're a celeb, watch out, yellow journalism is at your beck and call. Kinda annoying to the celebs, but people makes big bucks off gossiping about celebs, but whatever happened to hard-hitting news. The facts, baby, the facts! They're more important than what-ifs.
Assemble peaceably-they don't the meaning of what it is. Make a change by taking a stand against an issue you disagree upon, but people have become violent in the process.
Look at the Vietnam War protests and the protest against segregation.These examples became violent, no thanks to the gov't.

2) Bear arms-shouldn't we bear arms just so that we could defend ourselves, not to kill others for the sake of killing. That's why we oughta have gun control laws.

4) Search house only with a warrant-It is still an invasion of privacy unless the person or people are criminals.

5) Accused Rights- Innocent till proven guilty. Can't self-incriminate  Right to remain silent. Miranda Rights, anybody? Trials affect w/ and w/o cameras due process

6) Right to fair and speedy public criminal trial by impartial jury where the crime was committed. The defendant must be able to question the accuser and to force favorable witnesses to testify. The accuser has a right to a lawyer. (I won't talk till my lawyer's present!)

7) Jury Trials-we, the people, decide who get what punishment! Let the people decide what punishment to get!

 Unreasonable fines and bails for criminals.
 Unusual & Cruel Punishment: self-incrimination, torture
Do you think the Death Penalty is Unusual & Cruel Punishment? I think so. Whatcha think?


Monday, July 14, 2014

Cupid At Work: When Haters Hate

Whatcha gonna do when haters hate?
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllll Cupid to intervene in the name of Love!
Cupid aka Eros in Greek Mythology doesn't tolerate hate of any kind, which includes racism, classism, sexism, bigotry of any sort. He (and how do you Eros a he-perhaps Eros was portrayed as a male; perhaps males were sensitive way back then.) prejudices against anyone just cuz they're different from them. Eros dispel hate from haters. Eros was like Zeus, only he didn't philander around like Zeus. He was a womanizer like Zeus. Why, then, were there so many wars back then?

Present day
If you feel particularly hateful or upset or blue, think of Eros
Eros, who sent love hearts with his quivers towards haters to make them lovable creatures once again. Anyone who is feeling ornery get Cupid's love arrow shot at.
It's like this: 
Hate will hate 
shot through with a love quiver
and become 
lovers will love
You had me at Hello!
Lovergirl meet Loverboy!

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Wishes for the past
Why can't there live come in reruns like on tv.
Idea: We could and should syndicate life on repeat.
Running over and over time and again (kinda like that movie Groundhog Day, only 10x better!).
Wouldn't that be trilling?
So cool.

Animal Trans Morphing

Speaking of animals, I wish I could trans morph into any animal, depending on my mood. 
When I'm happy, I would trans morph into a dove.
When I'm sad, I would trans morph into a raven or a crow.
But just for kicks, I would trans morph into a dodo bird (I know, I know, it's extinct, but it would weird people out if they saw one or a dinosaur, maybe a pterodactyls or triceratops (my fave dinos) Or maybe a dragon (Out of this world!) My dragon would put out fires in houses, no need for firefighters. Poor firefighters would be out of work. 

Animal Life

Can't we, humans, life live more like animals?
After all, we are animals. We are mammals. We are fertile like all animals.
Why do we like clothing, rules, boundaries and such bind us?
We can't and shouldn't conform to the rules of our system.
Conformity brings control. Control confines us. I abhor both control and conformity!
Animals don't have rules, wear clothes, or have boundaries.
No, we, the humansare the one who put control on them. I'll bet they hate to be controlled.
We should be less conformity and more nonconformity!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Last thought for today

Aspire to be what you want, not what others set out for you, what others planned for you.
Question:  what do you want out of your life?
Who cares what others want for you?
They say it may be in 'your best interest'=it's not.
Go for whatever you want in life, don't let others stop you from achieving whatever your heart's desire.

Passive Life

Don't mind me, I'm just an observer in this moment of time.
Blink, and it passes by ya without a moment's notice
Events happened without my knowledge, but who cares as long as I attain my own goals, never mind pother people's goals.
People should mind their own business and leave others well enough alone.
Sure, they make a business of poking their noses where they don't belong. They oughta concentrate on achieving their own goals and aspirations.


We live in an utopia society where everybody accepts everyone.
We wouldn't need any rules because everyone is living in such harmony.
Everyone would get along with each other.
Mind you, everyone would still be have their individual freedom, their own individuality.
But 'hate' wouldn't be part of the vocabulary in this utopian society, for no one would hate.
Haters wouldn't exist.
It would be a lovefest 24/7. Everyone would accept each other no matter how different they are.

The Power of Me

People everywhere says I can't do stuff. They don't believe in me.
Well, I believe in me. I believe in me. I believe I could do whatever I set my mind to do.
Who gives a damn what others say? I sure as hell don't. I rise above naysayers and people who put me down. Who cares what they say as long as I believe in myself?