Why do things always seem that much more clearer, more brighter in the morning?
As the days drag on by, things seem bleak.
Maybe this was how Mr. Robin Williams felt.
That where was no one out.
Look, why do all those pathetic stars OD on purpose, committed suicide?
They got so much to live for.
Riches,money, fame.
I guess money doesn't buy everything.
It does, however, buy e-z access to alcohol, drugs, but there's always a silver lining in thee dreariness of life.
Being famous isn't all it's cracked-up to be.
The famous should have hope.
They oughta have a better perspective of live.
Boohoo, nobody likes me-I take my own life. Wrong! You shouldn't depend on others' to make you happy, you should rely on yourself to make yourself happy. :)
No one can achieve happiness but you and you alone.
Happiness comes from your outlook of life.
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