Monday, August 25, 2014

Dazed & Confused

Why do entertainers murder themselves for no particular reason? They’ve got so much, so much going for them, and they spoil it all by killing themselves. They’ve got so much to live for, so much potential. It may be a case of accidentally overdosing or a much deeper illness like depression that cause death at their own hands.
It’s so terribly heartbreaking for their colleagues and fans, but most especially for their loved ones, the ones nearest and dearest to them, their family and friends. It’s like we, too, had lost a member of a family because we had been a fan for however long.
For the rich, there is easy access to drugs and alcohol. When they get high or drunk, they’re s-l-o-w-l-y killing their very brain cells. Not being a scientist, I don’t know for sure, but I think that’s why people act so irrational after taking drugs or drinking. Drugs and alcohol s-l-o-w-l-y eats away at your system, killing you with every breath you take. It’s like cancer spreading through your body, spreading the disease through every pore in your body.
I know drugs make you feel high, make you act stupid, but they could also KILL you. Amy Winehouse and River Phoenix are examples. Drugs could not only mess you up, but they are also addictive-it’s like, I gotta have it, I gotta have it. It could make you do and/or say things you wouldn’t normally say and/or do.
On the other hand, alcohol is poisonous. It cause you to be inebriated. And make you affect your judgment of things. It can slur your speech. It can also, like drugs, be addictive and make you do and say things you don’t mean, so beware! Don’t abuse alcohol; drink in moderation.

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