Saturday, August 29, 2015

Labor Day

Labor Day is comin up, peeps.
I don't think I'm deserving of that holiday b/c I haven't worked much. With the exception of writing my books, I only worked at Marriott 2x, it was only part-time. Marriott was kinda, sorta hard work being that it was janitorial work. Ugh! It was hella stinky in the sorting room, where I had to sort the garbage. Second day I worked there I vaccummed, I think like, maybe 4 floors, I don't remember. Anyways, that was also hard work. But I was complaining. Nosirree, bob! Even though it was on-call, I've been wishing, no, hoping they called me back, but no dice. At least I've got my writing to fall back on.
My Dept of Rehab counselor is looking into finding a job for me, so there's that.
I appreciate the holiday of everybody else getting a break from their hum-drum jobs, but me, just still looking and getting rejecting all the time.
I haven't been looking for a job for awhile b/c I'm 'fraid of rejection-hate getting rejection notices. Why must they hate on me?
 Well on the bright side, at least I'm good w/ words

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Unauthorized Full House Story - Not!

I am so not gonna go there. I'm not going to watch it. It'll taint my memory of Full House, as a family show. The previews I've seen and heard about have already begun to taint my memory of the Full House. Like millions of folks, I still watch the ol' reruns. I'll just bet the reboot isn't as good as the original. This unauthorized movie is just trying to garner more publicity for the reboot (as if they needed any)

A lot of show were popular way back when, but I don't see a reboot. That's b/c Hollywood hasn't come up one original idea in eons. Look at all those spins-offs-CSI, Law and Order, NCSI, etc, etc.

Shows-wise, they are still creating more and more new (ugh! makes me sick!) reality shows! But it ain't reality if they edit out the boring parts and keep the exciting parts, meaning the backstabing, two-timing, two faced parts. How about the parts when people are nice to each other? How about the parts when they are being sentimential? How about when they are showing the feels to each other?

Movie-wise, Hollywood is lacking originality in that dept too. All they're doing is adding more movies to their franchises. more sequels, more remakes, more remakes of sequels. C'mon, Hollywood, for crying out loud, be more original. Wish they gave out a reward for originality.
Ideas are coming from books like 1000s of years, but wish they stopped recycling ideas repeatedly.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Our History: Gone w/ the Wind

The story may be fictionalized, but the history part isn't; like it or not, it's part of US history during this time period when race is such a hot topic. Race & religion are hot topics nowadays.
The American Civil War was the one most deadliest wars in American history excluding the World Wars, of course, but those weren't fought on American soil. It was terribly sad that the soldiers never were able to get married, have kids, for they were just young lads. Sent them out as young boys, came back as a honorable (dead) young men, RIP.
According to the movie, nearly all of the Confederates died in the war. The women had nothing to eat b/c the Yankees destroyed most of everything in the rural territories, where the Southern women had to rebuild their land w/o slaves, who were freed after the war and for the war to fight for their rights to become free slaves.
As for Atlanta, which was fire-bombed by Sherman's army, the former Confederate land was rebuild w/ newer, finer and even finer buildings than before, for the materials came straight out of the North.

Freshman 15

I never gained a ounce when I went to good ol' college. But I did gained that 15 lbs when I went to live on my own and never was able to lose it again. You can never regain your baby weight; you can only re-live your childhood. Don't me like me and dozens of newbie frosh!

1) don't overdo it - don't do too much exercise at once- much pace yourself; don't overeat desserts; save some for later
2) get a good night's rest before  anything! test, first day of class so you're not late (that goes for when you find your first job)
3) study hard & have fun!!! but don't party too hard!!! you face the repercussions later!!!
4) make good decisions/choices- don't make bad choices that could ruin your life or your reputation w/ your professors and later on, it'll ruin your future. So make wise choices! It's the real world, baby!
5) Don't be afraid to ask for help, if needed!!!

Pet Peeves - Fillers

Know what I hate mostt? that annoy me a whole lot?
You know, when people say
 'you know'
every other sentence
every three seconds
so annoying
makes me wanna strangle them!!!!

Can't they just be straightforward
Instead of inserting fillers every 10 words?
So immature
Why don't you just grow up?!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Flowers & Sunshine

Happiness flows thru me
From head to toe
I feel alright at best
People care for me
To be successful
To be brilliant
To be desirable
in my own eyes
Who cares what anyone else's think?
The only person opinion matter is
My own

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


The past shouldn't matter. Why can't we start a clean, fresh slate? Sure, I and others have made mistakes in our past, but it doesn't mean we are the same person as when we were when we made those same mistakes, were we now? Why do we let our past hold us back from being our present selves. Maybe a more mature selves. As a child, when were infantile. But as we grow up, we start over w/ a clean slate b/c we had matured as individuals. Hypothetically speaking: Why do our reputations as a reckless teenage rebellions keep us from changing our bosses' minds about us? These bosses knew us when we were teens. Heck, we were causal friends. But these bosses think we had never grown up, never matured, will they give us a chance. Me, I'm all for 2nd chances. Life full of plenty second chances and more if you give it. As for the future, the future is left up to you; the ball's in your court, ladies and gents, so make it yours!!! Make something worthwhile!!! Do worthwhile!!!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Unconstitutional Public Shaming

Factoid: Did you know? Public shaming or public humiliation is against the law.
So why do ppl do it? It is wrong and antiquated. It must be put to a stop or else we'll lose lives.
This is what this world has come to public shaming, which is unbeknownst to these ppl, is against the law, is another form of bullying. It is worse than cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is only a small community of your school or whoever knows you hack into your account, similar to face-to-face bullying.
Bullying face-to-face is kinda better. You get to face your opponet head-on.
But public shaming or public humiliation lets everyone in the whole freaking world who has access to a computer know about your shame. That's just low.
How low can bullying stoop?

Monday, June 1, 2015

Memorial Day

Yesterday was the official day for Memorial Day.
idky but I figured we observe Memorial earlier b/c we lazies wanna start summer early.
We shouldn't think of Memorial Day as just another day for BBQ, but as a day of remembrance to celebrate the fallen soldiers. From every single past wars that was ever recorded in the history books that we learnt in school (excluding the Revolutionary War-that's what Independence Day is for.)
Summer really begins on June 21, but school lets out at the end of May or close to Memorial Day holiday weekend. Kinda wanna makes you wanna dance to Alice Cooper's School's Out for Summer or any of the graduation songs, huh? Maybe go catch a blockbuster flick or two? As for me, I can't wait to watch Summer School! Yeh, for the umpteenth time! Yeh, for nostalgia!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Futuristic Utopia

People say the end of the world will come in the future in the form of an apocalypse.
We will live in a world of utopian existence where every race, religion, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and among other things like alternative lifestyles will get along. We will unite as one forcefield. No wars will be fought. Everyone will respect each other. No one will be disloyal towards one another. Everyone will live in total harmony. We will be each other's allies. No one will be violent towards each other. Everyone will solve their problems their words and not through violent acts.

Message to the Heavens

Dear Future Generations:
Appreciate what you have right now. If you take things for granted, things will pass you by. In you heart of hearts you grow tired of someone or something, you start to feel sick and tired of it, don't b/c you never know when it'll be gone the next day. It may take days, months or even years for people to start missing your beloved, but when that day comes... you'll be sad you never have taken the time to know that person instead of being annoyed or ticked-off at that person. Enjoy the time you have now b/c everyday's a blessing.
Just be there for your loved ones even if you have a million or just one friend or best friend.
Be there and love b/c you never know what tomorrow might bring.

Celebrities and Hollywood: The World of Melodramatic!!!

As seen from the previews, San Andreas is almost laughable. Almost. In the world of Hollywood, everything-and I mean everything is extremely dramatized. Nothing like that is gonna happened. Sure, I'm gonna watch it. For laughs! I mean, whoever heard of Richter Scale 9 magnitude earthquake?! That's crazy talk! Talk about exaggeration!! Everything except for old bldgs and I think those are also retrofitted can't collapse. Not to mention infrastructure such as bridges like the Golden Gate Bridge are retrofitted so it won't collapse. It's practically incollapsible.
Speaking of dramatization, the world isn't gonna end with an asteroid hitting the earth, people! (as portrayed in Independence Day) or world won't go into chaos if aliens invade our beautiful planet (Close Encounters of the Third Kind) Please! Instead, maybe, just maybe, we'll learn to get along with each other.

It's not only in the movies. It happened on television, social media.
Celebrities shouldn't be called celebrities. They should be called melodramatic ~ Drama Queens! They are on reality shows to be center of everybody's attention. Ooooh look at me! Even if they ain't famous, they just want to appear famous by being loud-mouth, crass, couth idiots, showing off their private lives (Who cares about what's going on in your boring as hell lives?)